-3 décembre 2020 :
Dernières nouveautés chez Oxford au 1:43 deux nouvelles décorations du Land Rover Series 2 :
-Police de la RAF :
Oxford Diecast Land Rover Series II SWB Canvas RAF Police - 1:43 scale
Our 1:43 RAF Police model features the canvas back which is modelled in grey with a rear window, in pleasing contrast to the RAF blue grey body colour. In its Police role, a separate red and white
-CoastGuard :
Oxford Diecast Land Rover Series 3 SWB Station Wagon HM Coastguard
Oxford's 1:43 scale Land Rover Series 3 model makes a welcome return in a previous and highly decorative H M Coastguard livery that has also been seen recently as a 1:76 scale version. Resplendent ...
-25 mars 2019 :
Land Rover Serie III bâché au 1/43 (Oxford)

Sorti récemment chez Oxford, ce Land Rover Derie III bâché aux couleurs de la Royal Navy.
Une miniature au 1/43 référencée 43LR3S004 chez Oxford.
Prix de vente indicatif : 22 €

Oxford Diecast Land Rover Series III SWB Canvas Royal Navy
This popular Land Rover appears in the superb dark blue body colour of the Royal Navy with contrasting white lettering and a light beige canvas back. The wheels are painted the same dark blue as the